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Pop-Up Event: Visit to Bruce's Garden
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Category: Pop-Up Events

A Visit to Bruce’s Garden – in All Its Summer Glory
in Wyndmoor, PA

This event is full and the wait list is full.

The triptych of photos above show a section of Bruce’s garden, with each photo showing his garden trellis from a slightly different angle. Glorious summer colors all around. But photos don’t capture the garden scents, the insects, the birds, etc. So, plan to join us on July 17th to fully experience Bruce’s summer garden in person.

Bruce shares a brief history of his garden: My mother was an avid gardener, and I was involved in her gardening activities growing up - digging beds, weeding, being sent into the forest to find and bring back woodland soil that would nourish her plants. As a teenager, I worked two summers as a gardener on the Rosengarten Estate (now known as Chanticleer Garden in Wayne, PA).

I moved to my present house 37 years ago. There were lots of trees and no gardens. The trees came down gradually either by my hand or on their own. As trees were removed, gardens began to emerge. Upon my retirement, I enrolled in the Penn State Master Gardener Program. As a result of that experience and education, over the last six years I have gravitated to a garden more dedicated to native plants. It has been a process!

This is a member’s only event, but registration is required. $5 per attendee. Maximum number of guests is 25. 

HPS/MAG Membership covers two people from the same household.  Register yourself first and the second person from same household as "Your Guest".  You can only fill out the form once, you can't go back into the form to make corrections. If you want to bring a friend who is a non-member to this event, they must join HPS/MAG first. Click here if you would like to become a member of HPS/MAG before registering for this event.

Bring an umbrella if there’s light rain. In the event of heavy rain, the pop-up will be held on Friday, July 19th.

Address and parking directions will be sent to all registrants in their confirmation email.

Contact: Laura Axel at [email protected]