Pop-Up Event: A Visit to Steve's Garden Tour
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Category: Annual Events & Programs
A Visit to Steve’s Garden Newtown Square, PA
As a professional landscape designer, Steve has been designing and installing gardens for close to 50 years. Since moving to a rather boring 2-acre lot in Newtown Square over 20 years ago, he has SLOWLY created garden spaces throughout the backdrop of existing large trees, mostly using plants leftover from client jobs.
In the sunny area by the front curb, shrubs and perennials were the first to go in, for display and privacy. The shady areas along the front of the house are heavy on ferns, astilbe, and theoretically "deer resistant" plants. In the back, the lawn has been allowed to go wild for the last 10 years or so, mowed only a few times a year to keep it from reverting to woods. This is for the birds and wildlife – which is a mixed blessing. The pond was installed in 2003 and has become a wildlife magnet. Another backyard highlight is the 300+-year old icehouse/spring house which Steve has lovingly restored and landscaped for use as a guest house.
As his gardens continue to evolve, Steve is focusing on a number of improvements. Mixed plantings and borders of shrubs and perennials are the overarching "theme" with a nod to Doug Tallamy and natives. Aesthetics are the driving force. If it does not speak to Steve – “off with its head.” Unifying lines and developing a bit more structure are on the to-do list, with the understanding that organized chaos is not necessarily a bad thing. All of this while trying to cut down on maintenance. This is really hard to do when the nurseries he visits entice him with "new" plants. Steve confesses to being “a plantaholic in need of help.”
This is a member’s only event, but registration is required. $5 per attendee. Maximum number of guests is 20.
Tour is Full, contact Dawn to be added to the waitlist. Rain date is Thursday, September 28th. Click here if you would like to become a member of HPS/MAG before registering for this event.
Address and parking directions will be sent to all registrants in their confirmation email.
Contact: Dawn Freeman at [email protected]