Hardy Plant Society/Mid-Atlantic Group
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HPS/MAG 2020 Annual Meeting (Virtual)
Sunday, December 06, 2020, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Category: Annual Events & Programs

2020 HPS/MAG Annual Meeting - A Virtual Event

Free and open to Members Only.

This year, our Annual Meeting will be conducted using Zoom. It will include a 30 minute business meeting followed by our speaker, Tom Smarr.

Talk Title: “Many Seasons at Jenkins”
Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens is well known for its rhododendron and azalea collections that are at peak bloom in spring, but there is so much more. The diversity of plants in the northeastern native plant collection provides interest throughout all four seasons of the year. In this virtual visit to Jenkins, Tom will show us some of these great plants and discuss some of the "tricks" used by the Jenkins horticulture staff to manage the plant collections. He will also share some plans in the works for further enhancements to the arboretum and gardens.

Tom Smarr – Executive Director 
A native of Pennsylvania, Tom grew up exploring and gardening within the wild woodlands of the northcentral part of the state. His degrees are in environmental studies and urban horticulture. In his professional career Tom has had leading horticulture positions at botanical gardens and urban public parks in Boston, New York City, and Louisville, KY – including the position of Horticulture Director for New York City’s High Line. As the Executive Director at Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens in Devon, PA, Tom is working to connect people to the beautiful, naturalistically-designed gardens with their abundant and diverse collections of rhododendrons and native plants.

A Q&A session will follow the lecture.

Registration is required. Click here to register. Members only.
Registration ends at midnight on Friday, 12/4/2020. Zoom meeting invitation will be sent to your e-mail on Saturday 12/5/2020.

Contact: Janet Caputo at [email protected]