Hardy Plant Society/Mid-Atlantic Group
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Seed Exchange Workshop 2/7 - Volunteer Activity
Tyler Arboretum
515 Painter Road
Media, Pennsylvania 19063
United States

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Wednesday, February 07, 2024, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST
Category: Seed Exchange

Seed Exchange Workshop: Volunteer Activity

Once again, dozens of volunteers will meet at Tyler Arboretum in Media, PA to sort and divide seed into packets to satisfy the 2024 Seed Exchange orders. Working with the Seed Exchange is a fun way to meet fellow plant lovers in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. 

The workshops at Tyler Arboretum’s Terrace Room (same location as last year) will begin on Wednesday, January 31st and continue until we finish cleaning the seeds, packaging the seeds, and filling orders.  Normally this takes about 10 days.  Workshops will be on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10AM to 3PM.  Come join us for the full day or part of the day – we always have fun!  Signing up to volunteer at the workshops will begin early in January and we will make an announcement on the website as well as e-mail blasts and social media.  Polly Garnett is our Seed Exchange volunteer coordinator. We hope you can join us!  We are in the basement of a barn at Tyler Arboretum and it does get cold (50’s) in the room, as the heater is very old and cannot heat all parts of the building well.  We always tell volunteers to dress warmly.

Sign up to volunteer at one of these workshops, as spaces can fill up quickly and we limit the number of people to 10 a day.  Face masks are optional.  Please contact Polly Garnett at [email protected] or [email protected]. When picking a day and time, please also send her your cell phone number in case of emergencies on the day of the event.  On the Sunday before your volunteer week, Polly will send weekly volunteer assignments with additional instructions.

Any member or non-member can submit seeds or volunteer to clean and sort seeds.  To order seeds, one must be a member of HPS/MAG.  Click here for the membership form.