Pop-Up Event: Bog Garden Workshop at Aquascapes Unlimited, Pipersville, PA
Aquascapes Unlimited 5542 Township Line Rd Pipersville, PA 18947 215-766-8151 View additional information
Thursday, June 19, 2025, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Category: Pop-Up Events
Bog Garden Workshop at Aquascapes UnlimitedLooking for something new and different to add to your garden? Join us for a hands-on/how-to workshop for creating your own mini bog garden. From the bottom up, the secrets of recreating a bog’s natural habitat in containers will be explored. Randy Heffner, owner of Aquascapes Unlimited in Pipersville, PA, will instruct us on container selection, creating the correct compositional mix, preferred plant selection, as well as conditions necessary for long term maintenance of these attractive and captivating container gardens.
This workshop is scheduled during the peak bloom week for Aquascapes’ outdoor cutting beds. The workshop will take place under cover after a short power point presentation. Light snacks will be provided. Workshop Details: Date and Time: Thursday, June 19, 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Location: Aquascapes Unlimited, Pipersville, PA Registration: Open to HPS Members only; registration is required Registration will open on May 8th and close on June 16th. Click here if you would like to become a member of HPS/MAG before registering for this event. Number of Participants: 20 maximum Fee: $50.00, which includes: - All required dry goods (12” terra cotta container, pre-cut rubber liner, graded perlite, activated carbon, long fiber sphagnum, pre-moistened peat moss, plant tags) - Nine plants (3 Sarracenia species (Pitcher Plant), 2 Drosera sp. (Sundew), 1 Dionaea sp. (Venus Fly Trap), 1 Spiranthes sp. (Orchid), 1 Vaccinium sp. (Cranberry), 1 Live Sphagnum Housekeeping Items: Restrooms are available. Workshop will be held outdoors, under cover. Please dress appropriately for the weather. For Additional Information on Aquascapes: https://www.aquascapesunlimited.com/ Questions? Contact: Laura Axel at [email protected]