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Tuesday at 10: March 7, 2023 Crevice Gardening
Tuesday, March 07, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Category: Annual Events & Programs

"Crevice Gardening"

Speaker:  Kevin Kelly

Crevice gardening is an exciting new trend in rock gardens. It is a great way to grow drought tolerant and alpine plants that require incredible drainage. Crevice gardens can grow plants that even rock gardens can’t. Based on his experience creating a crevice garden in his own front yard, Kevin will take us through the process, step-by-step. The same techniques can be used to create a crevice garden in a container. Kevin will also discuss the ideal “beginner” plants for this type of garden. 

Kevin Kelly is a Penn State Extension Dauphin County Master Gardener. His career as a Family Physician has taught him the importance of gardening for both mental and physical well-being. He started to garden over 35 years ago and realized that developing a “green thumb” is all about persistence and not being afraid to make mistakes along the way. He has won Two Blue Ribbons from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Gardening Contest and his garden has been included in multiple garden tours. His garden has also been certified as a Pollinator and Wildlife Habitat Garden by the Pennsylvania Master Gardener Program, the Manada Conservancy, and the National Wildlife Federation. He has turned his 1/3-acre suburban property into a garden to be enjoyed year-round.

"Tuesdays at 10" is a Members-Only Educational Series of Virtual Lectures. Registration is required for each session. These events will be recorded and available to watch for just 2 weeks following the lecture. 

Click here to register.

 The deadline to register is March 4. This event is free. Maximum number of attendees is 100.

Please make sure you have Zoom installed on your computer. Plan to join 5 minutes before the event. The lecture will be followed by a 15-minute Q&A. Questions can be submitted via chat box and will be read to speaker by the HPS/MAG moderator. Please note that all participants will be muted for the duration of the event.

Important Info regarding registration: Please make sure you hit the "submit" button after registering on-line. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, then the registration process was not completed.

Contact: Stephen Rifici at [email protected]






Contact: Stephen Rifici [email protected]